Dual Rail STU System


Dual Rail Passenger StationDual rail STU systems can be used for a wide range of applications, ranging from cheap light inner-city passenger transport right through to high-speed inter-city transport.

High speed dual rail STU systems can be constructed for less than 20% of the cost of other high-speed transport systems.

Key Components

There are four key components of a dual rail STU system: the string-rail track, the supports, the stations and the UniBuses.

(Please note that if you haven't already done so, it would probably be helpful to read the Technical Description page before reading this page)

String Rail Track

String-rail track structure of a double-rail STU is designed as two string-rails to form a gage with the width of 0.5 m, 1.0 m, 1.5 m, 2.0 m or 2.5 m. String-rails are fixed with the help of anchor supports installed every 1—5 km and intermediate supporting masts having the spans of 30—40 m.

The gauge in a double-rail STU exceeds by 2—3 times the height at which a center of gravity of the rolling stock above the rail head is located. This which makes the movement of UniBuses along this track 2—3 times more stable than the movement of carriages of a high-speed railway.

SupportsLow cost passenger station - wheelchair accessible

There are two types of supports in a dual rail STU system: the anchor supports and the supporting masts. The anchor supports are located every 500 - 5,000 metres, and are used to anchor the horizontal tensions of up to 500 tonnes in the steel ropes. Passenger stations usually also incorporate the anchor support into the building design.

Supporting masts are provided every 30 - 40 metres to suuport the vertical load and to provide extremely low vertical movement of the UniBuses.


Stations can take various forms, from high capacity passenger terminals to low-cost inner-city stations like the one shown to the right, where access to the UniBus is via a lift.

Dual Rail Passenger1UniBus

Depending on the application, UniBuses can be extremely aerodynamic comfortable transporters for high-speed long-distance travel or high-capacity units designed for major inner-city short transport routes.

The system to the left is a light version, capable of transporting up to 5,000 passengers per day.